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Pipelines are named and ordered groups of Opportunity Statuses. They allow you to group your Opportunity Statuses into separate categories that make sense for the different teams and workflows at your company. For example, you can have a "Sales" Pipeline and a separate "Professional Services" Pipeline.

List Pipelines for your organization.

GET /pipeline/

Create a Pipeline.

POST /pipeline/

Update a Pipeline.

PUT /pipeline/{pipeline_id}/

You can use this endpoint to:

  • Rename a Pipeline.
  • Reorder Opportunity Statuses within a Pipeline.
  • Move an Opportunity Status from a different Pipeline into this one.
    • To do so, include {"id": "id_of_the_status_from_another_pipeline"} in the statuses list.

Delete a Pipeline.

DELETE /pipeline/{pipeline_id}/

This is only allowed if the Pipeline doesn't contain any Opportunity Statuses. Before deleting a Pipeline, make sure you delete all of its Opportunity Statuses or you move them to another Pipeline.